how to center a div in html5 and css3

how to center a div in html5 and css3

centring div in css is not easy specially when you start coding , because css don't offer us a direct function or properties to center a div , so i decided in this mini tutorial to show you the most easyest way to put your div in the center of your page , so let's begin .

1. create your html part 

first , we have to create the html file : 

<!DOCTYPE html>

<div class="center">

2. add style

now that our element was created , all what we have to do is to give him a widht and a heigh and a backgroud color 


 backgroundcolor:#f44336; your element

now let's start to center the div , all what you have to do is add these line of code

  transform : translate(-50%,-50%);

so i will explain what i did .

(position absolute) : this is mean that our elemtn is relative to the parent element , let me reminds you that te positon start from the top left corner of an element that have coordinate (0,0) so when we says position absolute and left :0; this is mean that the top left corner of an element will be on the left , when i used left:50%; and top:50%; this is mean that i puted the origin point of the element on the middle of the parent element ( that is body in our case ) .
ti put the center of the element at the middle of the parent element i used translate(x,y)
that transalte the element by 50% left that's mean the half of it's width and 50% top , that's mean the half of it's height .

now you know how to center your element using html and css , i hope you liked this mini tutorial if there is some point that are not clear please tell me in the comment and i will answer you , thank you for reading

how to center a div in html5 and css3 how to center a div in html5 and css3 Reviewed by Medics on February 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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