improve your SEO using html meta tags

imporve your SEO uisng html meta tags

designing a website is not the only way to attend your users , before people see your website they have first to find it , of course we al use search engine such as Google to search , but google need to know what your website talk about to decide if he will place it in the user results or not , of course he need something to tell him what your website is about , and those things are generally meta tags , so let's see them 

what is meta tags ? 

meta tags provide some metadata about your website , that's mean that they will not be displayed on your website but machines can see it and google is a machine , metadata are for exemple the author of an article , the page description , the keywords the title of the page and other ... .
let's see an exemple of a google search result 

as you can see whe you tap a google searsh many result will appear and the position of your website will depend on many factor such us your website popularity , the compatibility between the title and the search , and of course for the meta tags .

how to declare a meta tag 

this is easy to declare a meta tag only what you have to do is to write this line :
<meta name ="name of the meta tag" content ="the content of the meta">

the most common meta used is 
  1. desctiption : allows you to add the description of your web pages 
  2. keywords : allow you to add the keywords of your webpages
  3. author : to add your name for exemple 
  4. viewport : to make your website responcive
only what you have to do is to remplace name by one of the list show and write your content , it's an easy step but play a big role on your web visibility.

i hope you have enjoyed reading the web site , if you are passionated by web design check out my youtube channel where i make regullar design videos 
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if you want to learn more about meta tags and how to use them  check out this W3school courses : meta tags
improve your SEO using html meta tags improve your SEO using html meta tags Reviewed by Medics on February 05, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. I just want to make sure the word: imporve or improve?


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