tips to be a great web designer

it becomes evident that the web is the future, nowadays we have more and more web designer and developer, and everyone wants to be a part of the community but the majority don't know how to start learning and how to stay motivated.

in this Article, I will give you some important tips that will help you to be a better web designer and will help you to stay motivated and keep learning,  but before we start you have to keep in mind two important things :
  1. always set a goal that you will reach, don't set a big goal like trying to make a web site like facebook or tweeter but try to make something simple every time
  2. always stay motivated, I know that it seems evident but people always lose motivation after two or more failure, keep in mind that you will face so many problems and you will learn how to solve them, so you have to accept failure in your learning process, especially when you will learn something new, remember that every specialist where a beginner one time 

now that you kept in mind those important things let's begin.

1-Don't fear to learn web language 

I know that it seems evident that, to start web design, you have to learn first the web developing language like HTML, CSS and javascript to begin with, but people always fear to learn new things, but this step is very important if you want to become a web developer, you have also to be patient with your learning process, you will find that there are things that you understand quickly and other things you will not understand or it will take you time to understand it.
to learn web developing now it's very simple, you have free tutorial on youtube or other web site that are too simple and they will help you a lot, you can also, if you can afford a paid training, take a full training path on udemy or Treehouse, they give a very great and complete courses for beginners, intermediate and expert.
don't also be limited to video courses, try also to find books and text tutorial on the web they are very helpful and sometimes you will find a brief and a  better explication for the topic that the tutor doesn't explain well.

II-always test what you learned with projects

after learning HTML and CSS try to apply what you learned with your own project, try to design something simple and publish your work on social media like Facebook and tweeter see people feedback.
don't pay attention to the negative comment, like " I don't like your work " or any kind of these, it will demotivate you and it's not a critic, there are people that love to destroy others work.
always listen to experimented people's advice and learn from them, for example, if you have some works you can post it on tweeter with the hashtag " #DoctorCodeAdvice " and we will be happy to help you and gives you some advice about web design and web developing.

III-learn to use paper and photoshop before you code anything

now I will speak about a mistake that many beginners do and to be frank I made it too. when we learned web development we always try to code and only code and this is a big problem because the more you learn the more things are complicated and you should have a plan that you must follow to be more organized and more effective. that's why I advise you, before you code, to make a wireframe in a paper and to create a model of your design inside photoshop because it will make the design more clear and it will help you to code better.
this is an example of a website that i desgined with photoshop. 

a web site that I designed 
a website with responsive menu

a contact form

IV- always search for inspiration 

it's very helpful to see other's work and try to make like them, it's not called copying, everyone need to be inspired and trying to copying others will help you to find your path and to find your own style, some web designer post their work in their portfolio and other websites like Behance or dribbble
also there some web designer that post how they made their work on youtube with a speed design/coding video, try to follow them and try to understand why they used that and not that, it's more effective than copying the source code. you have always to teach yourself, ask them in the comment and they will respond to you.

And finally the most important thing, always make web site because it's fun for you don't think about money when you start, think that one day you will be a great web designer and you can sell your works or be recruited , but don't stop learning and always share your work with other because when you design you see things from your point of view and it's to benefic for you and for others to debate about your works and see what others think, it will help you to develop your skills and you work will be more and more better.
i hope you liked this article and it was helpful for you, if you want to learn more about web design and web development i invite you to visit our youtube channel and subscribe to see new tutorial every day.
you can also join our facebook group and join our community to develop your skills.

tips to be a great web designer tips to be a great web designer Reviewed by Medics on March 24, 2019 Rating: 5


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