5 Cool Python Projects ideas For Beginners

after learning a programing language it's important to practice it by doing some project, the problem is every beginner want to create very big projects like trying to create a game, software or any other kind of project, and they often find some difficulties with these projects and get bored quickly. that's why I decided to give you the best 5 projects to start with as a beginner with python.

I-Login system in python

making a login system is a very good way to practice the inputs and conditions, you can also create an advanced one using file reading with python or even by using a database system like firebase for example. you can also try to create a signup system, these are so easy project to start with and can be good practice for you.


A keylogger is a software that allows you to record your keyboard input, it's used by hackers to hack any kind of account, you can also use it to protect your pc or if you want to know who use your pc while you are not home, also trying making a keylogger will teach you keyboard event and how to create and write in a file.

III-Guessing Game

you can create a simple game by using while loop and condition you can create a guess the number game, for example, you can also make it better by adding many levels inside a file and create a variable called life that allows you to a limited number of choice.

IV-Equation solver

with python, you can try to make a simple second-degree equation solver, it's a very nice exercise to improve your arithmetic skills and your programming skills.

V- web scraper

a web scraper is a little software that can extract different data from a web site, it's a popular project used by many people and company to automate data extraction from a website, you can, for example, create a little program that can extract the price of pc from amazon and other website and compare them to give you the best offer available. it's a very useful project and it will teach you some fundamentals of web and HTTP protocol.

The practice is the best way to learn anything, I really advise you to try to do one of these projects to improve your coding skill with python.

5 Cool Python Projects ideas For Beginners 5 Cool Python Projects ideas For Beginners Reviewed by Medics on September 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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