Maybe one of the most difficult thing that you face when you finish learning the basics of any programming language is to find projects to train with, Flutter is becoming more and more popular and if you want to get a job you have to make a solid portfolio with different kind of Projects.
In this article, I'm going to give you some Project Ideas that you can build using Flutter and Add them to your Portfolio, of course, the project are regrouped by level, starting from beginner level to expert level, so without further ado let's begin.
Beginners Level Projects
I always recommend for beginners to focus more on the UI rather than action. many people want to create the new Facebook or what'sup, it's good to have big dreams but it's better to know how to achieve them. and that's why I wrote this article, to guide you to make your dreams come true.
for beginners I really recommend these 4 projects :
Login UI
Login UI is one of the most common screens in apps, nowadays every app needs authentication from the user and it's imperative to create a nice looking login screen and easy to use for your user.
for this reason, you should train yourself on building this kind of page, you should learn how to create your custom Button, text fields, and create a good layout to make it clear for your future use.
Profile UI
any app that has user authentication has also a profile page that gives the user some useful information about his account like, how many followers he had, how many posts did he wrote before, and so on. Also, training on profile UI is good training for mastering layout, avatar image, and Tab navigation bar
News App UI
this example is more complex than the previous one but it will help you a lot to understand how to implement a ListView, understanding a bottom navigation bar, and also how to create a Drawer's also a good example to learn how to navigate between screens and maybe adding some cool animation for the transition between two pages like the famous "Hero" animation.
Dashboard UI
A dashboard UI shows the main action and the main information about the app so it's important to learn how to create one. Basically, a dashboard has a grid layout and rarely a list layout, so it will help you to understand grid in flutter and what is the best way to implement them.
Intermediate Level project
after mastering the UI components in flutter and creating some beautiful layouts it's time to give them life by adding some action. so these projects will help you for sure.
Clock App
Flutter offers you an easy way to implement time in your app and get the current date and time. this project will teach you how you can update the value of a text when the time change, it's a good example to understand states in Flutter.
Pomodoro Timer app
a Pomodoro app is simply a countdown timer. this example is very good to understand timer in flutter and also learn how to create a time picker and ow to get its value and use it to program the timer.
Note App
the note app is the best example to understand local database and how to work with storage in Flutter. so it's important that you learn how to build a simple note application using Flutter.
Todo list app
the to-do list app has the same principle of a note app except that you can add an alarm to your task that you can do, you cand add a checkbox for the done task.
Advanced level project
for this level, you will learn how to use API and implement an HTTP request from a rest API and display your data inside your app. there's a lot of Rest API and lots of projects that you can build, here are few examples.
World Time app
maybe this is the simplest one that will allow you to learn how to get information from a server and display the data inside your app.7
Weather app
this example is a little bit more complicated than the previous one since you have so much data to implement in addition to the forecast so you have to call two requests but You can do it.
News App
remember the News app UI, it's time to make it more realistic by fetching real news from network services using API
Recipe App
this project is really fun to make since it will teach you more about HTTP requests and learn how to create some complex data structure to store all your data
12 Flutter Projects Ideas from Beginner to Advanced
Reviewed by Medics
September 15, 2020
![12 Flutter Projects Ideas from Beginner to Advanced](
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