Artificial intelligence has gone from science fiction to a part of our everyday life. she is present everywhere, we use AI on our phone to interact with it, many big firms like Tesla use it for their auto-driven cars and some transport company use it to get the shortest path and to avoid traffics. Ai has radically changed our lives and she will continue to do it, now that a group of scientist at the MIT has created an Artificial intelligence that can predict the outcome of breast cancer, 5 years before he cames, and this will not only save thousands of lives but it will open a new perspective in medicine and our health system.
Of course, when we speak about Artificial Intelligence we have to ask ourselves some ethical questions, like: "will machine steal our jobs? ", "do Artificial intelligence represent a threat for our loves? " and too many others question that I will not speak about nor answer it.
in this article, I will not speak about very developed Artificial intelligence like what we see in Sci-fi Movies like Terminator, A.I, Ultron and so on. But I will speak about algorithm, machine learning, Neural networks and how they can make improve our health care by developing new Diagnosis technology, new surgery tools and how they will help Hospitals to manage their resources, patients, and doctors.
What is artificial intelligence?
this is a nice question, to begin with, but before we answer it, let us ask what is intelligence first.
of course, this is not a simple question that we can answer in a small article, but let's say that intelligence is the ability to collect data, to treat these data and use them to find a result and predict something. I know that this is a simple answer and it's not truly what intelligence is, but it will help us to understand Artificial Intelligence.
According to Wikipedia
In computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is used to describe machines that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".
from this definition, we can answer our first question " how AI can change our health system". And that is what we are gonna do.
How Ai can change our Health care?
to find the right diagnosis, doctors use many types of data like inspection, clinical exam, biological exam and imaging, then he links these data together and regroups them in the specific diseases that can show these symptoms and these sign. of course, sometimes it's not evident to find all the sign together, and sometimes the person seems normal but actually, there is a silent tumor or infection that are destroying his body, and that is where AI can change everything.
As mentioned below, I spoke about an AI that can predict the outcome of breast cancer before he comes, another AI developed by researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK can predict which patient can have a heart attack or strokes within 10 years. other algorithms can detect lung cancer, and there are too many other examples of AI application in Medicine.
Will AI took the doctor's job?
of course no, a machine can't take a doctor job for the simple reasons that a machine can't interact with the patient, as I said to find the diagnosis we need to collect information and most of these informations are given by the patient like pain, breathing difficulty, the incapacity to walk or to do simple task, to collect them we need to ask the right question, to communicate with the patient, in addition to that, a machine can't do the clinical exam to the patient because it needs some dexterity.
other tasks like a blood sample or surgery cannot be performed by a machine. so doctors no need to worry about your jobs.
Reviewed by Medics
June 02, 2019
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