in this tutorial, we will see how to install EasyPHP and make our first PHP page. we will see what is EasyPHP, how it works and why we need it to write PHP code.

1-how to install EasyPHP

to install EasyPHP we have to go to EasyPHP website by this link: EASYPHP
this screen will show up

As you can see inside the red box you can choose your download option according to your operating system and press download.
After downloading, double click on the setup and you can install it and follow these steps:

1- choose a language and press OK

2-select the destination folder and press Next >

3-if you want to create a desktop icon, you can check it and press Next >

4-Press Install

5-wait that the install finish and then press Finish

6-now you can lunch EasyPHP and you will remark that easy PHP icon will open in the notification bar at the right  bottom of the screen as in the image below

now that you have installed EasyPHP it's time to launch it. For this, right click on the icon and then choose open dashboard. in your browser, a tab will be opened and it will look like this.

now to start our server you have to click on play like the image below.

the HTTP server will transform your PC to a server and The database server will allow you to use PHPMyAdmin create your database.

an important thing before we start coding, you have to know that you should save your files inside the folder specified by EasyPHP, you will find the folder path inside the dashboard page.

select it and the folder will open, or you can add your own folder by clicking on the  +add directory button.

enter the folder name and the folder path and press Save.

now let's start coding our first PHP page. we will create a simple script that prints Hello world and will print the date and hour of the day.
for that, we will just create a file using our favorite Text Editor and save it with the extension ".php".

you have to know that you can write HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT inside a PHP file and to write PHP code you have to put it inside two tags like this:


          // your Php code inside this block


to print a text using PHP you have to use the function echo('') and to get the date using PHP you have to use the date() function.
an important thing that I have to mention. don't ever forget the semicolon ;
now let's see the final code of our first PHP project

 <h1>You can write HTML </h1>

echo "Hello world ";
echo date("l F d, Y");

and the result will look like this

and the result is incredible. this was a simple example of how we can use PHP, you can check my other tutorials about PHP to learn some advanced things and how you can combine front-end and back-end.
I advise you to take a look at PHP documentation it will help you a lot, so check this link: PHP DOCUMENTATION, this is the English version but there are more languages.

 I hope that you liked this tutorial if you have some questions or you want to learn more about PHP, just comment and we will try our best to answer you.


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